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1. Уничтожить две цели в секторе 7B.
2. Уничтожить все грузовики в секторах 8A-8H.
3. Уничтожить товарный состав в секторе A5.
4. Уничтожить ракету и центр управления с радаром в секторе 5D.
5. Разрушить мост и огневой ряд в секторе F8 (избегать ракет).
6. Обратить внимание Drone MIG29B поблизости от вас. Двух надо уничтожить.
7. Уничтожить танки пересекающие Неваду в секторе 3A.
8. Уничтожить завод в секторе 1C.
9. Разрушить авиабазу в секторе 4C и главную ВПП; (сбить два перехватчика).
10.Разрушить вражеский командный центр, Скрытую сеткой ракету в секторе 1E.

Спокойная миссия

Вариант 1.
1."Операция Карабкаться". Два террориста в секторе 4D. Найти и уничтожить.
2."Операция Огненный заслон". Враг атакует нефтебазу "Vejan Island" (Сектор 8D). Отразить нападение и уничтожить не менее трех истребителей.
3."Операция зайти". Вражеский военный корабль обнаружен в секторе 4G. Разрушить корабль, но остерегаться его радио-ракет.
4."Операция погружения"
Уничтожить вражеское нефтехранилище в секторе 2E.

Вариант 2.
1."Операций Всплеск"
Вражеский флот начал полномасштабное нападение амфибиями на "Troy" (Сектор 8E) с не менне десяти мест высадки на Северном берегу. Разрушить корабли в месте высадки но глядеть в оба на MiG-29 прикрывающий десант сверху.
2."Операция горячая"
Разведка доложила о двух вражеских кораблях идущих с юга (сектор 3B) для поддержки вражеской эскадры. Обеспечить им неожиданную встречу.
3."Операция очень горячая"
Транспортная эскадра Леонида Брежнева удаляется от вражеского флота но направляется боевым порядком к "Solomos Islands" в секторе 4B. Найти и уничтожить все три вражеских самолета.
4."Операция Бета-1"
Гигантский вражеский супер танкер "Азов" надо подбить ракетой в секторе 4G. МИГи прикрывают его сверху.

Вариант 3.
1."Операция месть"
Корабль "New Jersey" был обстрелян двумя вражескими крейсерами, "Kresta-2" и "Admiral Zozulya". Остерегаясь идущих на помощь МИГов уничтожить крейсера в секторе 7H.
2."Операция дуга"
The enemy has finally launched a full scale attack on Solomos with a complement in excess of ten ships. They lie to the south, barraging the southern coast. Scramble and destroy the four MIGs providing aerial cover for the fleet and hit any enemy ships.
3."Operation Strike Back"
The US fleet has arrived in sector 5H, steaming towards your island bastion led by the carrier JF Kennedy. While the enemy MIGs have their hands full with the US Task Force, hit the enemy fleet with all you've got. Make sure you destroy at least two ships.
4."Operation Stamps"
Destroy the vital enemy gas plant and refinery on Zahiti in sector 1D.

War Update 4
1."Operation Knock-Out"
The Leonid Brezhnev has been sighted in sector 1G, with a support ship. Locate and destroy.
2."Operation Fight Back"
After a fierce enemy counter-strike three US ships lie on the on the sea bed-the JFK is next on the list. Provide air support and destroy the two enemy battleships in sector F4.

War Update 5
"Operation Hand Shake"
A cease-fire between the two opposing fleets has been agreed. Peace talks have been scheduled to take place on the enemy battleship Leningrad, in sector 4B. One aircraft from each side (yourself and a MIG) has been designated to patrol and enforce the exclusion zone. However, intelligence reports that a sabotage attemt, from an unknown qwurter, is imminent...


War Update 1
1."Operation Bravo"
Destroy the tank brigade (comprising 3 tanks) crossing the border in section 5A.
2."Operation Bogie"
Two MIGs, sighted in sector 6F, are closing in on your base. Engage and destroy.
3."Operation Alpha"
Destroy the radar tracking station in sector 4D to provide an aerial corridor.
4."Operation Foxstrike"
Destroy the road bridge in sector 3F to hamper the enemy reinforcement.
5."Operation Lizard"
An enemy armoured column comprising of a minimum six trucks and four tanks is advancing up the highway in sector 4C. Stem the advance and obliterate the column.
6."Operation Charlie"
Launch a deep strike attack on the enemy airfield in sector 2H.

War Update 2
1."Operation Moonstruck"
Hit the industrial works in sector 3B which provides ammunition to the Arab forces.
2."Operation Rogue"
The power station in sector 2F, east of the city is a priorety target.
3."Operation Pincer"
Refer to your War Update Map before commencing this mission. It will inform you of the whereabouts of two grey enemy tank battalions (6 tanks) which are leading an assault. Destroy them.
4."Operation Torch"
Destroy the tracking station in sector 4A.
5."Operation Crossfire"
Destroy the enemy oil refinery in sector 1F, including the three holding tanks.

War Update 3
1."Operation MayDay"
Three enemy fighters are approaching the capital. Move to sector 5E to engage and destroy the oncoming aircraft.
2."Operation Lord"
Two tank battles are occuring along the front-line. Stem the enemy divisions. Refer to War Update Map for the battle locations.
3."Operation Torture"
Locate and demolish the rail-bridge in the lower sector 3B.
4."Operation Romeo"
Lac Mi-El tank farm in sector 1F is assembling Russian T-80s imported in from Russia. Raze the complex to the ground.

War Update 4
1."Operation Heat"
Although information is limited, it is believed that a large enemy road convoy (of over 10 trucks and tanks), is located around the vicinity of sector 1D. Locate and destroy this convoy.
2."Operation Juno"
A large aerial force is massing over enemy territory and moving towards the capital. Their target is uncertain but you must destroy four bandits whilst preventing attacs upon your base. Vector south to sector 3G.
3."Operation Warrior"
Destroy the chemical processing plant in sector 1C, believed to be developing chemical weapons.
4."Operation Gold"
The greatest tank battle of the war is raging (refer to War Update Map). Provide aerial support and destroy a minimum of 8 tanks.

War Update 5
1."Operation Ajax"
Miscon has lifted the restriction on bombing the enemy capital in sector 1B and surrounding installations. The international airport in sector 2A is now a primary target. Destroy the main runway and return to base.
2."Operation Dawn"
Destroy the steelworks in sector 1D, south west of the city. Do not inflict damage to the Red Cross hospital based in the compound.
3."Operation Zeus"
The enemy has launched an all-out offensive. Enemy reserve armour has been deployed to the front line (see War Update Map) and is overwhelming our exhausted armoured divisions. Provide aerial support and destroy the lead enemy tank battalion.
4."Operation Red"
Road and rail networks have been badly damadged jeopardising supply routes. Shortages to the front line are threatening our positions. Provide aerial cover (in sector 7G) for a large convoy moving from Tel-A-Von to the front line against impending MIG attack.

War Update 6
1."Operation Standstill"
The situation is critical with all three country's industries smashed. The massive EI Alamein factory (sector 1A) is the sole productive enemy plant. Avoid the dangerous SAM sites and destroy the complex.
2."Operation Vice"
The forces on both sides are reaching exhaustion as the conflict becomes a war of attrition. Fanatical enemy tank brigades are causing havoc with our resisting ground forces (see War Update Map). Destroy the four leading tanks and the supply vechiles.
3."Operation Thunder"
The beieaguered enemy air-force has gathered via hidden runways strip and are launching perhaps their last full-scale attack of the war. Vector south to sector 4G to engage and destroy all bogies - number unknown.

War Update 7
1."Operation Abyss"
On this day the war reaches its climax with the outcome unknown. A special range of missions exist in this final chapter of the war...


War Update 1
1."Operation MiG Cap"
Zulu Alert: Two incoming MIGs are closing in on your base. Search, engage and destroy. This is not a drill - repeat - this is not a drill.
2."Operation Bomb Cap"
Three enemy low-level bombers are approaching your base. complete with escort. Vector 30 degrees for Bogey - engage and destroy.
3."Operation Intersept"
Two SU27 are closing the border and are manoeuvering towards Huttgart (sector 8A). Engage and destroy.
4."Operation Tom Cat"
Destroy the bandits that are providing aerial support for advancing enemy mobile divisions along the border (sector 4D).
5."Operation Aggressor"
Provide close support against advancing enemy army tanks (sector 6D), near Ziepen. Destroy two tanks brigades (6 tanks).
6."Operation Firehand"
Two enemy mobile divisions are engaging the British Seventh Centurion Tank Division on the north of the country. Stem the advance and destroy the leading brigade (sector 8D).
7."Operation Ironhand"
Provide an aerial corridor along the southern border by destroying the tree enemy SAM and radar sites near the Stein river (sector 3D).
8."Operation Backbreaker"
In order to curb enemy rear movements and hamper supply lines, your primary target is the key bridge - Liepen in sector 5E.
9."Operation Limelight"
he road convoys towards the front from Frunsroure, across the Liepen bridge, must be destroyed (sector 8F).
10."Operation Linebacker III"
This is a deep strike retaliatory mission against the enemy's airfield of Tranevora. Destroy the runway and hanger areas in sector 1G.

War Update 2
1."Operation Jawbreaker"
Destroy the bridge in sector 6D.
2."Operation Four Star"
Destroy the enemy supply dumps (sector 2F).
3."Operation Big Ear"
Destroy the radar tracking station and the nearby SAM emplacement (sector 7E).
4."Operation Deep Throat"
Destroy any airborne hostiles and the runway in sector 3H.
5."Operation Strike Out"
The enemy has launched its largest offencive of the war against all air force bases. Five plus bandits are closing over the border - heading unknown. Intercept and destroy. Vector to sector 2C.
6."Operation Tin Can Alley"
Provide close air support for allied tank forces against a massive enemy assault. Destroy the two leading enemy battalions (6 tanks). Refer to War Update Map for battle location.

War Update 3
1."Operation Iron"
Destroy the vital road bridge in sector 8E, to prevent enemy supplies reaching the front.
2."Operation Titan"
Large enemy convoys are ralling towards the front. A vast amount of armour is moving west (sector 8G), with pontoons providing river crossing. Destroy the convoy and return home.
3."Operation Snake Eye"
Ferocious tank battles are continuing in a variety of areas (see War Update Map), with French and British Northem Tank Divisions holding their ground. Provide air support against three MIGs and destroy the leading enemy tank brigades in both battles.
4."Operation Grind"
Destroy the enemy's large industrial complex in sector 5H.
5."Operation Lights Out"
Cripple the riverside power station in sector 5H, destroing the cooling towers which will disrupt enemy productivity.
6."Operation Fly-by"
A large number of allied interceptors have been downed by an enemy MIG-29 Squadron. The tree ace fighters are operating from the Alps in sector 1D. This mission is self-explanatory!

War Update 4
1."Operation Wolf"
A new squdron of MIG-29 have been located manoeuvering across the border towards Nurberg. Intercept in sector 5C and break the pack up.
2."Operation Avenger"
A succession of land battles has left the front line NATO forces exhausted. Two fresh Warsaw Pact tank divisions are now engaging them (refer War Update Map for location). Halt the enemy attack and destroy at lest 10 tanks.
3."Operation Thunderbolt"
Decimate the chemical factory in sector 7H and its two storage tanks.
4."Operation Bear"
Attacks the arms factory in sector 2H, avoiding the SAMs located nearby.
5."Operation Express"
Convoys of rail freight are arriving hourly from the east to the enemy capital and the battlefront. Destroy the rail-line and any trains in sector 4H.
6."Operation Untouchables"
A squadron of enemy Flanker bombers have destroyed several allied storage depots near the front line and are closing in on the international airport in sector 7A. Search and destroy.


Hunger I.M.

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